Free Danethrall Excerpt

With the upcoming deal on the Danethrall e-Book, I thought I’d share an excerpt from the book. Click here to read the excerpt! It contains the first few pages, prologue and first two chapters. 🙂 I do hope you like it, please let me know what you think! If you love the excerpt and can’t wait until the 3rd March to buy the e-Book for 99 cents, you can purchase the e-Book for $3.99 or the paperback for $14.95 on right now! Click on the image to the left to be taken immediately to the Danethrall Amazon page.

Thanks so much! Also, if you have had the pleasure of reading Danethrall, I’d like to ask if you can share a review on Amazon or Goodreads. 🙂

Enjoy your night! – GSKT

Rise To Fall Update

It’s been a while since I last posted (as usual, I can’t ever seem to get in the habit of blogging frequently), and I have some happy news to share! The second installment in the Danethrall trilogy is finished and being looked over by my editor as we speak! He is over a third of the way through it so far; I’m hopeful that within the next two or so months Rise To Fall will be completed and ready to publish! While I am waiting for the edits to come back, I have been working on a cover for the next book. I thought I’d share with you what I have so far. 😀

I love simplicity and I love unison, so I like this Kindle cover, it matches Danethrall nicely and it’s very basic and clean, but I can’t help but feel like there is something missing. Luckily I still have time to play around with the cover. I do have the paperback cover designed but I don’t want to reveal it since the blurb may change after the edits have come back to me.

I’m extremely excited and can’t wait to share Rise To Fall with you. While I wait, I am planning out Book 3, the final installment of the Danethrall trilogy.

On that note, goodnight! Have a wonderful evening. 😉 – GSKT

Paperback and e-Book available!

As of yesterday, Danethrall became available for purchase on Amazon  and Kindle in the US, UK, Europe, etc. The cover of Danethrall had changed, and within the next 3 to 5 days, Amazon should have updated the cover on the page, for now it is still showing the old version. I will post on here as soon as they have updated it. Now I can focus on getting the second of the Danethrall series written! 😀

Again, thank you everyone for your patience. I’m still learning this business, and I’m getting there slowly but surely. Thank you for supporting me.


Progress Update

Sorry for the silence, I have been busy writing away and fixing up the errors in Danethrall. I completed the edits last night and sent it off to a proof reader. Just a few more rounds of work and it shouldn’t be much longer before I can put Danethrall back up for sale.

The reason I took Danethrall off the market was because there were an embarrassing amount of grammar errors, among other issues. I have since corrected them, plus a secondary character name has changed, the plot has been twinged slightly and I have moved the Timeline and Places pages to the back of the book.

So far, the book has increased from the original 392 pages to 414 pages (quite the difference!). This number may change again after a few rounds of reviews, but I thought it worth mentioning. I thought about making the font smaller, which would not increase the number of pages (actually it may decrease them by a few pages), but honestly I quite like the legibility of the current font and its size (Garamond 12pt).

Thanks to the increase in pages and requests for e-books, I am looking at using a different publishing company. I have found one company I am strongly considering using who might help me lower the price without lowering the quality of the book, AND it would make Danethrall available as an e-book, double win!

As a first-time self-published writer, this has been quite the learning experience for me. I am enjoying it, making many mistakes, but enjoying it. Making mistakes means you’re learning, right? 😉

For all those who bought the original version of Danethrall, I am offering a FREE PDF or physical copy (whichever you prefer) when it is completed. Please contact me if you are one of these original buyers!

As soon as I have Danethrall back from the proof reader, I will update here. Thank you again for your patience.

‘Danethrall’ sales put on hold

A few weeks ago I sent Danethrall to a seasoned author for a beta reading. Tonight I received her notes and have put Danethrall sales on hold for the meantime while I make some recommended edits. 🙂 When I have published the refined edition, I will be sure to update you here!

Thanks for your support! – GSKT